How to write summary essay
Essay Topics About The American Dream
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Gap Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free
Hole Marketing Strategy Essay The Gap is an attire organization that has some expertise in contemporary, urban apparel with a mid-go estimating plan. They have stores found everywhere throughout the globe in nations, for example, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom. Hole was established in 1969 by a land designer who was looking for an efficient and very much supplied pants store. The store was named after the age hole and initially sold Levis pants. In 1974, they built up their own private garments mark and by 1991 started selling just their private name brand. Hole presented its site in 1997. The next year, in 1998, Gaps stock expanded 138.4%. In 2000, however, their stock fell 44 %. ( Clothing is an essential and vital need, yet the organizations in Gaps advertise fragment produce things that fulfill more than this fundamental need. Their clients are searching for style and quality at a sensible cost. In this particular market fragment, significant brand powers rule the retail dress industry: brand acknowledgment is inconceivably significant. Some significant players in this industry who are explicit contenders of the Gap are J Crew, Abercrombie Fitch, American Eagle Outfitters, Structure, and The Limited. These organizations focus on indistinguishable markets from the Gap and produce comparative styles. The qualities and shortcomings of every player in this industry are to a great extent indistinct. J Crew stands apart with a solid inventory channel. Be that as it may, their blocks and mortar nearness is powerless, which is an issue when blocks and mortar retail reels in the vast majority of dollars spent by the normal customer as noted at In any case, inside their young urban microcosm, the Gap stands apart with an imaginative and changing product offering: Abercrombie Fitch, American E agle, Structure, and the Limited have unmistakable styles that stay consistent quite a long time after year. The serious powers, as clarified in Porters structure, apply to the retail business in all the five regions of competition, provider power, substitutes, purchaser force, and passage boundaries. With respect to contention, there exist no leave hindrances, causing more compeitition. Item contrasts are not many which prompts low exchanging costs for buyers who can without much of a stretch shop around. With these low exchanging costs, substitutes assume incredible jobs. In the event that buyers can discover comparable items somewhere else from different contenders, priceâ becomes a solid determinant in the last buy. Provider power is high. For instance, providers can apply solid effects on the delivering business by selling crude materials for garments producing at a significant expense. While providers yield generous force, the purchasers job is frail in light of discontinuity. At long last, obstructions to section include: economies of scale, high capital prerequisites for stores, crude materials, and creation necessities, and solid brand value because of customer brand awareness and reliability. Worth is made and conveyed in the design business through a multifaceted structure of channel dissemination. A visual portrayal of a run of the mill style companys esteem web is connected as Exhibit 1. In spite of the fact that the worth web as a substance is compelling to clients, a few aspects will in general have the most effect. Fashioners are clearly one of the center viewpoints that influence a client, as individuals need dress that interests to their specific tastes. This prompts the showcase and accessibility of dress in the real style stores, for example, Gap. Showcases need to consolidate fascination in the items just as hotshot the patterns existing apart from everything else. Additionally, makers enormously impact the last quality and cost of an item, which are regularly a center worries for purchasers. In todays economy, effective and quality assembling are fundamental to the accomplishment of a design retailer. Another key hub on the worth web is the coordinations provider. In the Internet e-posterior condition, having a solid relationship with effective and dependable providers is critical for progress. Style retailers ought to fortify these key players in the worth web notwithstanding utilizing their guiding principle ideas so as to use the Internet to its maximum capacity. For Gap, there are two worth ideas that are particularly helpless in an Internet economy. To start with, the design business has low exchanging costs and diminished dedication on the web. Though many Gap clients were faithful just in light of the fact that they had hardly any different options, presently those equivalent clients have more chances to search around. Hole stores are found all around the nation in practically any shopping center. A run of the mill customer may just approach the stores that are found close by. Presently the Internet has made each e-tailor accessible to anybody, anyplace, from low-end to very good quality. Second, the Internet has changed help, belief and experience. One of the upsides of setting off to a Gap store is the degree of administration that you get and the experience that you get. This degree of administration can never be recreated on the web. What's more, another issue with online style retailers is that the client can't take a stab at the pieces of clothing. While this might be an issue with new clients, it's anything but an issue with recently settled clients. Something else, the Gaps esteem ideas must be upgraded on the web. Garments can without much of a stretch be conveyed legitimately to the purchaser from Internet deals. Likewise, exchange expenses can be decreased: for each deal on the web, Gap doesn't need to keep up blocks and-mortar stores, recruit work force, or bear transporting costs. While these expenses might be insignificant at the present time, as online deals develop, this may seriously affect Gaps primary concern. An extra advantage of Gaps online store is simplicity of scanning for specific items. The attire business is continually evolving. In this way, showcasing techniques and different client fragments are additionally changing. Key industry patterns for the year 2001 include: moves to multi-channel retailing, significance of productivity on the Internet, and a proceeded with enthusiasm for utilizing innovation to improve primary concern, as clarified at Clients have specific needs and needs that are molding the interest for higher caliber at lower costs. What's more, with the new Internet condition, purchasers need simple access to value correlations and request the most recent patterns. Since the online world is quick paced, purchasers accept that patterns should turn over rapidly. Since more individuals are shopping on the web, they request and anticipate accommodation just as snappy and convenient conveyance of clothing products. Buyers are seeking the Internet for data on clothing more than they recently did. They scan for value examinations and shop around the web to search for deals. Numerous shoppers look for garments on the web and afterward go to take a stab at the dress disconnected. In some different cases, if purchasers can't locate the ideal piece of clothing, they adventure onto the Web. At long last, in the new Internet attire condition, consciousness of brands is improved for built up organizations. Despite what might be expected, more up to date apparelâ companies may battle picking up mindfulness in a medium that continually floods customers with new items. The nonattendance of brand value makes challenges for new organizations in this industry. Barely any brands convey the clout Gap does to the online world. As confirm at, Gap, with just two different retailers, was thinking about one of the best 20 online Internet shippers. Middle people (for example producers and retailers) in the attire business are changing to turn out to be more client cognizant. By consolidating innovation, organizations can make the brand increasingly open to the client while making a more grounded picture of the brand. This innovation empowers household and outside producers and reviewers to convey all the more adequately, proficiently, and as often as possible. Already, the phone and fax machine were the essential methods for correspondence among go-betweens, yet now data can be traded in a cost-productive and prompt way through the Internet. As noted in the March 30, 2001 Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation survey, the general attire industry pattern creates the impression that numerous high schooler and youthful grown-up retailers are going towards the Gaps a center area . . . the easygoing preppy topic. For instance numerous retailers have presented bright polo shirts since February, which stands to hurt Gap deals since they have just barely started offering similar polos. Has as of late been going on that Gap has become stylish patterns late and ends up at the last part of a hit. For a considerable length of time Gap has been the store to go to stay up with the latest on patterns, however ongoing occasions point to its slipping from being the main pattern pioneer. Contenders, for example, Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle Outfitters have had the option to take advantage of the design slants early and procured an enormous portion of the deals. A March 19, 2001 Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation investigation clarifies this marvel further: advertise knowledge is better than anyone might have expected . . . Retailers go to form shows . . . deciphering what they see for their clients. Along these lines, the most up to date technique in the opposition game is for an organization to locate the most sizzling pattern the soonest and speediest, and advertise the pattern vigorously before some other store or brand can do likewise. New and existing organizations in the attire business are compelled to adjust their promoting blend in light of the new Internet condition. Items must be grown quicker so as to take into account the quick paced requests of todays Internet customer. Numerous large players in the design business are perceiving the need to turn over the patterns quicker in todays innovation driven economy. This is on the grounds that customers request new style drifts quicker than they did in the disconnected world. Likewise, the Internet permits purchasers to value shop more than they would in the disconnected world. Thusly, design organizations should genuine
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critical Enquiry Reflection Sheet Social Work Essay Example
Basic Enquiry Reflection Sheet Social Work Essay Example Basic Enquiry Reflection Sheet Social Work Essay Basic Enquiry Reflection Sheet Social Work Essay The moment of larning that has gotten my going to in this directing meeting is that I have to research and spot my example model when working bi-socially with tangata whenua and diversely. During my sixth administering meeting my director surveyed me using the second immediate example perception partner to my second learning outcome to show ability when working with juvenile individuals diversely . This evaluation prompted medicines around my example diversely as I have been intently working with juvenile individuals and their family units who are of an alternate human advancement from my ain. Other than in my example at the healing guidance Center where I am put two yearss a hebdomad I am the solitary pakeha individual at that place. My boss expressed in the evaluation that Working in the school scene as the solitary female and pakeha individual, has empowered her to put the distinctions in progress yet alongside helped her to work diversely with other staff and customers. Family preliminary has other than helped her to put nations that need more arrangement in . At the point when my administrator requested that I place how I work bi-socially with tangata whenua and diversely with customers I couldn't joint simple how I design in this scene. My reaction was that in the other guidance scene since I am the solitary pakeha individual at that place, I work biculturally and diversely: By regarding the Maori progress of the Center Evacuating my places when I enter I have needed to larn the words so as to participate in the forenoon waiata and karakia I eat my tiffin with the juvenile work powers and the different coachs every twenty-four hours as sharing supplement together is part of the Maori human progress Following on from this I have expressed that during place visits with customers and their family units I regard the various civic establishments ; by taking my places and tolerating supplement and beverages from developments where the sharing of supplement is of import. These reactions were truly dark and did non give an unmistakable answer with regards to how I design bi-socially and diversely. I am aware that I have been prepared at college to design from a bi-social and multi-social position however I have thought that it was hard to joint how I do this. As my director has noted I have distinguished through this regulating meeting that I have to basically consider my example diversely and place the nations that I need more readiness so as to go a capable bi-social and multifaceted practician. To serve culturally diverse example and working with tangata whenua I as a cultural specialist request to perceive that: As an expert colleague, one can encounter uncomfortable when tested by striking contrast is simply the main measure reflection. This disposition has a superior chance of taking to echt change of the customer than pretending to be politically right. The inventive movement of collegial help developments and the development of a clime of trust and loosened sharing inside the administration puting may advance this mentality, to be affectional in multifaceted example ( Tsang A ; George, 1998, p.87 ) . Looking in reverse The premises and biases that are available in this moment of obtaining is my ain social cognizance ; In Tatum ( 2000 ) she plates the build of uniqueness and what it implies for the individual and how the elements of the predominant over the auxiliary can follow up on a people position of themselves: This mirror sense of self is non a level unidimensional consideration, however multidimensional. How one s uniqueness is experienced will be interceded by measurements of one self image: male or female ; juvenile or old, wealthy or hapless, gay, sapphic, cross-sexual, transgender or hetero ; physically fit or with disablements: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or atheistaë†â ¦ ( Tatum, 2000 ) . The capacity and the degrading related with it will contrast according to the socio-social setting that the auxiliary individual/s and the prevailing gatherings are part of ( Wolfensberger, 1972, as refered to in ( Wills, 2008b ) . Talks are fundamental methods of talking, talking something of noteworthiness. They are the impact of a blend of cultural, political even financial variables and as often as possible have voices of approval . Talks are as often as possible educated by convictions, contemplations and worries that are inexplicit ; taken for grantedaë†â ¦even ideologicalaˆÂ ¦Some signifiers of talk are legitimated and approved yet at the same time one can non be certain, and assume that such talks have gotten built up as an outcome of very much legitimized, painstakingly explored, created and severe contention/banter ( Wills, 2008a ) . Searching internally Searching externally Looking frontward I recognize to the families that despite the fact that I am from an alternate human progress to them I have been college prepared to work diversely and I am glad to come in into medicines around what this implies for our cultural work connection Question building 300 Literature300 In indicating competency one should other than observe the importance of human progress. Essentially, progress is comprehended to partner to some mutual components which associate individuals in a typical way of sing and seeing the universe. These perceptual encounters of the universe usher day by day life, follow up on how conclusions are made and by whom, and see what is seen as proper and improper practices inside some random setting ( Connolly, Crichton-Hill A ; Ward, 2005 p.17, as refered to in SWRB, 2007, p.5 ) To work with Maori customers the cultural laborer should suitably comprehend what Te Ao Maori implies, the equivalent goes with working with other social and social gatherings. Utilizing Tsang and George s calculated model of disposition discernment and aptitudes the SWRB made its competency standards of example. To comprehend what skillful example for Maori and other social and social gatherings implies for cultural specialists in New Zealand I will be fundamentally talking in this article ; what the ANZASW s standards of example are that educate competency and what it implies for cultural work design in New Zealand, I will put and portray the sacred components of Te Ao Maori the Maori universe position, basically analyze Tsang and Georges applied model and utilize their model to an aspect of Te Ao Maori in an example scene. Individuals from the ANZASW are responsible to the affiliation and expected to remain by their arrangements and processs, capable cultural work design being one of them, the accompanying 10 rules for cultural work design in Aotearoa New Zealand were set and approved by the National Executive of NZASW ( now ANZASW ) in June 1990: The cultural laborer builds up a suitable and deliberate working relationship with customers taking into history single contrasts and the social and cultural setting of the customer s situation. The cultural laborer Acts of the Apostless to acquire the customer s commitment in the entire system of the working relationship with them. The cultural laborer s design helps customers to determine power over her/his ain fortunes. The cultural specialist knows about cultural work strategies, cultural strategy, cultural administrations, assets and possibilities. In working with customers, the cultural specialist is discerning of and utilizes her/his ain individual properties reasonably. The cultural specialist just works where frameworks of answerability are in topographic point in respect of his/her dresser, customers and the cultural work calling. The cultural laborer constantly attempts to do the organization and frameworks, which are part of the cultural work endeavor, antiphonal to the requests of the individuals who use them. The cultural specialist acts to ensure the customer s course to the Code of Ethics and objects of the New Zealand Association of Social Workers. The cultural laborer utilizes rank of the New Zealand Association of Social Workers to follow up on and reenforce equipped cultural example. The cultural laborer utilizes rank of the New Zealand Association of Social Workers to follow up on and reenforce equipped example ( NZASW, 1993 ) . To embody how these rules for design work in proficient cultural work design I will pick one model and demo how two aspects of the standard apply. For standard four: the cultural laborer knows about cultural work strategies, cultural arrangement and cultural administrations, this basis can be appeared in design with how Child, Youth and Family benefits work inside a bicultural model and the Treaty of Waitangi: Youngster, Youth and Family recognizes its obligations and obligations to the tangata whenua as a Crown mate to New Zealand s commencement papers, the Treaty of Waitangi. We are focused on guaranting that administrations we convey and buy are to the full antiphonal to the requests and yearnings of Maori, and that our activities are steady with the Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi. Our committedness is reflected in a cardinal outcome nation improved outcomes for Maori, the confederations and associations we have constructed and proceed to assist with iwi and Maori cultural administrations gatherings and networks, our human asset strategies, and in our work program ( especially the turn of events and execution of a plan for bettering outcomes for Maori kids, juvenile individuals and their family units ) ( CYF, 2008 ) . Comparable to the cultural strategy bit of this rule the CYF s cultural laborers are insightful of the resolution laws of Aotearoa New Zealand and how different features of the law: Youngster, Youth and Family s legal capacity is characterized by the undermentioned rule law: The Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 19
Friday, August 21, 2020
iSkysoft Slideshow Maker for Mac and Windows
iSkysoft Slideshow Maker for Mac and Windows Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!iSkysoft Slideshow Maker for Mac and WindowsUpdated On 02/12/2017Author : Chitraparna SinhaTopic : Desktop AppsShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogRecording nostalgic moments and precious memories has been an inadvertent part of human nature since the inception of painting. In computer age though, saving memories has become much more easier.The next time you want to create a slide reel for your kid’s birthday party or develop a nostalgic slideshow for your spouse’s anniversary, you wont need to hire professionals:Introduction: Slideshow Maker for MAC Windows by iSkysoftThis easy to use tool allows you create gorgeous slide shows and retain the most precious memories. Create personalized DVDs, audio recordings and slide shows with the utmost detail and customization.You can create memorable slideshows using image files (JPG, PNG, etc .) and videos (MP4, MKV, MOV). With three simple steps you can create slideshows like a pro.You have to start by adding images, videos and sound recordings, personalize them with tons of superb effects and then create and share your slideshows.Slideshow Maker by iSkySoft comes with power packed features1. Add Intro/Credit/Blank Slides and Customize them with toolsWith this slideshow software you have an unending list of editing and modification options once you have uploaded the photos.You can add Clipart from a large collection available with the software to add emotions or details to your images.You can easily Crop your photos to select the desired part. You can Add Text to your images to give the perfect statements. Simple and drag and move tools to can be applied to achieve these affects.You can also add Intro and Credits, adjust the Brightness, Contrast Sharpness with the different filters available.You can do a lot of other things like:Easily import photos, videos and music a nd compile them into one.Customize DVD Menu templates.Save the slideshow to mobile, Mac or Windows devices.Share the slideshows on YouTube instantlyEasily burn your slideshows to DVDs to watch on television2. Share Videos Instantly and watch in High DefinitionAfter creating the slideshow, you can watch it on multiple devices. You can easily share it with friends via instant sharing on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. You can also share it on channels like Vimeo and Google+.READAmoyShare AnyVid: The Best HD Video Downloader You NeedYou can easily share the slideshows across mobile devices seamlessly. You can also watch these slideshows on TV by burning them to DVDs on your computer. This can be easily done through the slideshow software which has inbuilt tools for burning slideshows to DVDs.You can increase the sharpness and details of your slideshows by saving them in 1080p high definition. Thus, you can create HD slideshows that are pleasant and awe-inspiring to look at!You can refer this guide to know more in depth about these features!3. Make your slideshows stunning with pre-built templatesSlideshow maker by iSkySoft provides you with rich templates that can be used as frameworks to develop your presentations. You can choose any of these templates and create meaningful shows.Additional Features of iSkysoft Slideshow MakerYou can use the variety of templates available to give style and sharpness to your designs. The built-in trimmer can be used to merge audio files as per your needs.Red Eyes can be a major problem while photo editing. With this slideshow software, you can easily select and remove them. If they need a change of angle you can easily rotate them to suit your need.The Motion Tool can be used to add titles to and edit your videos. The Pre Audio tool can be used to play and intro to your slideshows.ConclusionAvailable for both MAC and Windows, iSkysoft Slideshow Maker is advanced software with extensively easy to use tools. It is 100% safe from an y malicious activity and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.If you are looking to save on costs of hiring professionals and create artistic and memorable slideshows yourself, I guess you try out this software now!
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Beginners Guide for Teaching ESL / EFL to Foreigners
There are many non-professional teachers who are teaching English as a 2nd or foreign language. The teaching setting varies widely; to friends, at a charity, on a volunteer basis, as a part-time job, as a hobby, etc. One thing quickly becomes clear: Speaking English as a mother tongue does not an ESL or EFL (English as second language / English as a foreign language) teacher make! This guide is provided for those of you who would like to know some of the basics of teaching English to non-native speakers of English. It provides some fundamental guidelines which will make your teaching more successful and satisfying for both the student and you. Get Grammar Help Fast! Teaching English grammar is tricky as there are so many exceptions to rules, irregularities of word forms, etc. that, even if you do know your grammar rules, you are probably going to need some help when providing explanations. Knowing when to use a certain tense, word form or expression is one thing, knowing how to explain this rule is quite another. I highly recommend getting a good grammar reference as quickly as you can. Another point to consider is that a good university-level grammar guide is really not appropriate for teaching non-native speakers. I recommend the following books which have been specially designed for teaching ESL / EFL: British Press Practical English Usage by Michael Swan published by Oxford University Press - Advanced - great for teachersEnglish Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy published by Cambridge University Press - for both beginners and intermediate American Press Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar published by Pearson ESL - Intermediate to advancedThe Advanced Grammar Book by Jocelyn Steer and Karen Carlisi published by Heinle Heinle Keep It Simple One problem that teachers often encounter is that of trying to do too much, too quickly. Here is an example: Lets learn the verb to have today. - OK - So, the verb to have can be used in the following ways: He has a car, Hes got a car, He had a bath this morning, He has lived here for a long time, If I had had the opportunity, I would have bought the house. Etc. Obviously, you are focusing on one point: The verb to have. Unfortunately, you are covering just about every usage of have which then also brings into play the present simple, have for possession, past simple, present perfect, have as an auxiliary verb etc. Overwhelming to say the least! The best way to approach teaching is to choose just one use or function, and focus on that specific point. Using our example from above: Lets learn the use have got for possession. He has got a car is the same as saying He has a car... etc. Instead of working vertically i.e. uses of have, you are working horizontally i.e. the various uses of have to express possession. This will help keep things simple (they are actually pretty difficult already) for your learner and give him/her tools on which to build. Slow down and Use Easy Vocabulary Native speakers are often not aware of how quickly they speak. Most teachers need to make a conscious effort to slow down when speaking. Perhaps more importantly, you need to become aware of the type of vocabulary and structures you are using. Here is an example: OK, Tom. Lets hit the books. Have you got through your homework for today? At this point, the student is probably thinking WHAT! (in his/her native language)! By using common idioms (hit the books), you increase the chance that the student will not understand you. By using phrasal verbs (get through), you can confuse students who may already have quite a good grasp of basic verbs (finish instead of get through in this case). Slowing down speech patterns and eliminating idioms and phrasal verbs can go a long way to helping students learn more effectively. Maybe the lesson should begin like this: OK, Tom. Lets begin. Have you finished your homework for today? Focus on Function One of the best ways of giving a lesson shape is to focus on a certain function and take that function as the cue for the grammar that is taught during the lesson. Here is an example: This is what John does every day: He gets up at 7 oclock. He takes a shower and then he eats breakfast. He drives to work and arrives at 8 oclock. He uses the computer at work. He often telephones clients... etc. What do you do every day? In this example, you use the function of talking about daily routines to introduce or expand on the simple present. You can ask the students questions to help teach the interrogative form, and then have the student ask you questions about your daily routines. You can then move on to questions about his/her partner - thereby including the third person singular (When does he go to work? - instead of - When do you go to work?). In this way, you help students produce language and improve language skills while providing them with structure and understandable chunks of language. The next feature in this series will focus on standard curriculums to help you structure your study and some of the better classroom books that are currently available.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Of Mine and Men and Othello - 834 Words
A person is a person through other persons†¦Ã¢â‚¬ means that an individual is who they are thanks to the society that they are in. People change and differ because of where they live in and what the people around them do. The book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and Othello by William Shakespeare give perfect examples of this. In the book of Mice and Men, we know the tragic ending that occurs with Lennie. But what caused this? Was it random? I believe not. Lennie had an addiction to putting soft things with such force that he would kill them without know. When he killed his boss’s wife, he didn’t mean to and ran away. George ran after him and killed him. The question is†¦ what caused George to kill his fellow friend? Since it was clear†¦show more content†¦Othello really did act based upon the actions of others. Another example Othello would be Iago himself. One can argue that Iago would have never taken the actions he did if it was not for Othello being promoted. So really Othello unintentionally started all this. Then on top of that, Othello promoted Cassio as second in command and that killed Iago much more. Iago did not want to do this, but he had to somehow have his revenge on Othello. The best way was to slowly torture him with what he loves most; his wife. It was a reaction type revenge that happened. In the end, to some point, Iago was justified for what he did. The final example is going back to of Mice and Men. Lennie did not know right from wrong and he did not know what he was going to do. Lennie was a good person and was not causing any trouble. However, the woman provoked to touch her long soft hair. Lennie was influenced by Curley’s wife. If it wasn’t for this then Lennie could have become a good young man that perhaps would have gotten smarter. Unfortunately he could control himself and therefore killed someone. We can compare both books hand in hand. First, of Mice and Men we can see that George did what he had to do in order to survive because if he did not then he would of probably died him self. George had to act based upon what choices he had. If it wasn’t for the farmers, then he would have probably keptShow MoreRelated The Irony of William Shakespeares Othello Essay1428 Words  | 6 PagesIrony of William Shakespeares Othello Irony plays a great role in ?The Tragedy of Othello?. The villain, Iago, plans from the very beginning of the play to ruin Othello?s life. All the major characters in the play believe that Iago is an honest and trustworthy person. The tragic irony is that Iago fools them all. Throughout the whole play Iago manipulates the people around him and lies to them. Iago is very distressed, because Michael Cassio was promoted to Othello?s lieutenant instead of himselfRead MoreEssay on Pride in Oedipus and Othello1727 Words  | 7 PagesPride in Oedipus and Othello      In literature, the tragic heroes Oedipus and Othello allow the pride they have to cause their own demise by putting too much emphasis on the lives they have created for themselves. Oedipus, who blinds himself after finding out he has killed his birth father and married his birth mother, refuses to believe he has truly fulfilled his fate because he is so proud of what he has accomplished since he left Corinth. Othello demonstrates his pride by believing thatRead MoreShakespeare s Othello - Act II1376 Words  | 6 PagesMarch 7, 2015 Othello Act II, Scene III Iago and Cassio are going to spend time together partying and drinking. The dramatic irony in the situation is that the audience knows Iago is not really Cassio’s friend in this situation but instead Iago is just going along with his plan. In Othello’s statement â€Å"Iago is most honest†(IIiii), it is a dramatic irony because the audience knows that Iago is not honest at all and he’s only pretending to be honest to manipulate Cassio and Othello. Othello speaks toRead MoreEssay on Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello649 Words  | 3 PagesJealousy in Othello The tragedy of Othello is the story of jealousy. It is Othellos public insecurity that makes him jealous of Cassio and allows him to believe that Cassio has slept with Desdemona. Also, it is Iagos jealousy of Othello that drives him to destroy both Othello and Desdemona. What is fascinating about Shakespeares Othello is the way in which jealousy between the major characters is sexualized. 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Ironically, the only individualsRead MoreSocial Context of Othello667 Words  | 3 Pagesproduction of William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello.†The famous playwright was in the midst of his tragedy period, penning such classics as â€Å"Hamlet,†â€Å"King Lear,†and â€Å"Macbeth.†The story of â€Å"Othello†has its roots in the historical events and cultural atmosphere of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. It was a common practice of playwrights at the time to borrow or lift plot ideas from other preexisting stories, and Shakespeare was no exception to the rule. The plot of â€Å"Othello†most closely resembles a 1565Read More Women as Instigators of Tragedy in the Works of William Shakespeare1219 Words  | 5 PagesWomen as Instigators of Tragedy in the Works of Shakespeare  It is the very error of the moon; She comes more nearer earth than she was wont, And makes men mad. (Othello 5.2.112-14)            The moon is often seen in literature as an allegory for love, virtue, and chastity. In Shakespeares comedies, especially, the moon is personified as Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity. In these comedies, the foolish antics of lovers (literally, lunatics) usually occur underRead MoreThe Role of Soliloquys in Othello1128 Words  | 5 PagesThe two male leads in Othello, Iago and Othello, both speak directly to the audience sharing their innermost thoughts through their soliloquies. The protagonist of the play, the tragic Othello, uses soliloquies to show his emotions about what he is told by deceitful Iago regarding his wife’s unfaithfulness. Othello’s soliloquies tend to be emotionally driven and as the play progresses they tend to be become more infected as he descends into rage and jealousy. 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The causes of the tragedy of Othello are Othello’s gullibility to Iago, jealousy of Desdemona’s affair, and male pride. To begin, one factor that causes Othello’s downfall is that he is characterized by gullibility. Firstly, Othello is tricked by Iago, who leads him to believe
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Positives And Negatives Of The Internet - 2031 Words
This essay will discuss both the positives and negatives of the Internet and how it has impacted on the music industry. Piracy, distribution and networking are just some of the aspects that have drastically changed the music scene since the arrival of the Internet. Has the Internet changed the music industry for the better or worse? In the early 1960s a computer scientist called J. C. R. Licklider proposed â€Å"the concept of a Galactic Network†. Investintech (2009) Licklider could see that having access to things like software, digital libraries and banking all on a global network could be revolutionary. This idea of a global network of computers â€Å"ultimately led to the creation of the ARPANET†. Raychel Rappold (2014) The ARPANET, which is†¦show more content†¦CNN Money (2010) Millions of downloaders were attracted by this prospect of free downloads, which then quickly led to the attraction of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and artist such as Lars Ulrich of Metallica. This eventually led to a court order to shut Napster down. â€Å"A heated legal battle between Napster and the RIAA ends in March with an injunction against the site. Napster shuts down its network in July, declares bankruptcy, and is later reborn as a legal music subscription service in 2001†. Gearlog (2010) The MP3 file format enabled music files to be shared with great ease across all computer systems. â€Å"The development of the MP3 compression standard in the early 90s allowed vast amounts of digital audio information to be compressed into manageable files†. David Hesmondhalgh (2007) While the MP3 file format has its positives such as being digital, relatively small in file size and maintaining good sound quality it also meant it was very easy to share for free over the Internet. Digital downloads have largely contributed to lack in CD sales and even forced some stores to close down or revaluate their businesses. In 2004 Tower Records declared bankruptcy due to digital downloading. â€Å"Tower, has been unable to cope with competition from digital downloading and file copying†. BBC News (2004) The RIAA released a report stating that streaming services such as Spotify overtook CD sales last year, which is the first time inShow MoreRelatedThe Positive and Negative Effects of the Internet5097 Words  | 21 PagesThe Internet (or internet) is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. 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The internet does make it easier to reach out to other humans both in and outside of our cultures;Read MorePositive and Negative Impacts of the Internet on Education.1634 Words  | 7 Pagesshould make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the Internet can become that much safer. The term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. And today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sitesRead MoreInternet and Education: Positive or Negative Aspect?2428 Words  | 10 PagesInternet and Education: Positive or Negative Aspect? The Internet started to boom in the 1990’s and has continued to evolve ever since. Today the concept of what was thought to be one of the greatest inventions has blown this old-time invention out of the water. In order for the Internet to be accessible a computer device is needed. Today on we can carry the Internet in our hands with wireless access; as before it was a fixed machine usually on a desk with multiple cords attached. Noting that theRead MoreChildren and Computers Essay1399 Words  | 6 Pagesmany children begin to use computers at an early age, and children can use computers in negative and positive ways. c. Thesis statement: computers effect children in positive and negative manner such as, the negative effect from computer games and Internet on children, and the positive effect from computer on childrens education. II. Body: a. Paragraph2 (first negative effect) topic sentence: The negative effect of computer games on children : 1. Violent games affect the aggressive behaviorRead More The Impact of the Internet on Society Essays676 Words  | 3 PagesThe Impact of the Internet on Society The internet is a big impact on our society today. It has been around for quite some time. In fact, in 1973, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency initiated a research to develop communication protocols that would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks. In 1986, the U.S. National Science Foundation initiated the development of the NSFNET which provides a major backbone communication serviceRead MoreDoes Social Networking Have A Positive And Or Negative Affect On Individuals?942 Words  | 4 PagesDoes Social networking have a positive and or negative affect on individuals? According to Susan Greenfield, a neuroscientist at the Oxford University, social networking has many negative affects. She claims that â€Å" social networking is infantilizing the human mind, into a state of mind as of children. In my opinion, I agree with greenfield’s statement because many individuals are relying on their social media accounts for everyday use. However, social networking has greatly influenced the way individualsRead MoreThe Internet s Effect On Education1106 Words  | 5 Pageswe spend 80 hours on the internet. Based on how much we spend on the internet, we should take care of ourselves and not lose our personalities. The internet has changed us in many ways, but it has pros and cons to the users of the internet. The internet helps students, teachers, and doctors and give ways to save money. Typewriters were used 100 years ago because there was no internet, but with internet now we change our culture and society. The invention of the internet was a tur ning point in historyRead MoreHow Virality Is An Internet Phenomenon1327 Words  | 6 Pagesthe internet that is. You see the internet is very complex it is woven into networks with lots of content provided. Yes, including that pointless video of that cat playing the piano you have seen over a thousand times. But did you know that the same silly cat video has reached over a million views? And so the question remains, how did something so ridiculous become so popular? It s due to a concept called virality. Virality, the process of information going viral, can have both positive andRead MorePositive Impact Of Technology871 Words  | 4 Pagesa good tool for information. Some believe the use of the internet can help with creativity, and comprehensive. Other believe that through using internet imagination is lessened, and that it leaves students not understanding what was read. Technology can have positive, and negative results, it also had many different tests and studies do ne to see the impacts. When using technology for learning, many people have explained the positive outcome that is made. It was shown that the use of technology
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Bluetooth Smart Watch Essay Example For Students
Bluetooth Smart Watch Essay COPYRIGHT INFORMATIONSoldat and all the file formats the program produces areCopyright (C) 2001-04 Michal Marcinkowski. All rights reserved. =====================================================ANTI-HACK PROTECTIONBecause of the Anti-Cheat protection system used in Soldat you cannot use any hack tools like: memory finders, trainers, packet editors, hex editors and disassemblers while Soldat is running. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to CLOSE all programs running in the background while Soldat is on. The use of hack tools will degrade the game to a level it will no longer be playable. Also editing the executable or other related files and crackingthe shareware protection will cause system instability and problems with network play. If this happens to you and you are sure you did not do anythingillegal please contact the author. Please remember that this is a small shareware game made by one man. If you try to break the game protection you make harm to yourselfbecause the author can stop making the game if he;s out of moneyand with overload of work making new anti-hack and anti-cheat systemsall the time. If you want to hack something please concentrate onbig companys like EA Games. Hacking a big commercial title willprove that you are good, please leave Soldat alone. =====================================================LICENSESoldat is a Shareware application. It is fully playable. If you like the game and continue using it please consider registering. The registration fee for a single copy of Soldat is US$ 9.00. =====================================================DISTRIBUTIONUNREGISTERED COPY VERSIONS OF SOLDAT. Provided that you verify that you are distributing the Shareware Version you are hereby licensed to: a. make as many copies of the Shareware version of this softwareand documentation as you wishb. give exact copies of the original Shareware version to anyonec. distribute the Shareware version of the software anddocumentation in its unmodified form via electronic means(e-mail, web page, diskette, CD including magazine Cover CDs)There is no charge for any of the above. REGISTERED VERSIONS OF SOLDAT. You may not, for any purpose, distribute copies of registeredversions of this software, documentation or related materialsto any third-parties. =====================================================LEGAL STUFFNo portion of this software may be disassembled, reverseengineered, decompiled, modified or altered. All graphics and sounds may be modified except maps and scenery files. Modified graphics and sounds can be distributed for free as game MODs. This Software is supplied as is and no liability will beaccepted by Michal Marcinkowski or any legal vendors of this software for any damage incurred by the use of this software. Neither directly nor indirectly you cannot rent or sell by any means this software. =====================================================CONTACTING THE AUTHORWWW: http://www.soldat.ple-mail: emailprotected
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